This first week on the Pro-TF Fitness 6-week challenge, we’ve been working out 3 mornings and sticking to a specific eating plan.
One of the things that are on that nutrition plan every day is a portion of something from the “fat” list. And one of the items in the list is 1/4 cup of “any nut.”
For this item, we’ve come up with a recipe we would like to share:
In a sandwich size ziplock bag mix:
- 1/4 “any” nut -> we used peanuts
- 1 tsp pico de gallo powder
- 1 tsp lime or lemon juice
- optional: cayenne pepper, to taste, if you want to add some heat
Make sure it’s all mixed well inside the bag. For best results, let it “marinate” for 1-3 hours.