Pro-TF Fitness 6-Week Challenge

So, on Saturday, we started on the Pro-TF Fitness 6-Week Challenge. It’s basically a boot camp to help us plan out our meals and eat a specific diet for our weight loss goals, and of course, lose some weight and volume. Did I mention there’s exercise involved?

On Saturday, we had our orientation, took our “before” photos, and got out weight, height and BMI measured. This is to have a starting point so we can measure progress. The main advantage of going through this challenge with Pro-TF Fitness is that we were also assigned an accountability coach. Accountability seems to be what Pro-TF Fitness is best at, apart from employing very knowledgeable and fun coaches, and the lack thereof appears to be why so many other programs have failed for us in the past.

As I am writing this post, I am having trouble standing up… So, there are daily workout programs that are taught by several different coaches throughout the day and week. We have so far completed two. Here’s the workout plan for the week:

  • Monday: “No Mercy Monday”
  • Tuesday: “TNTuesday”
  • Wednesday: “Legendary Legs Day”
  • Thursday: “Butts and Guts”
  • Friday: “Furious Friday”
  • Saturday: “Sexy Saturday”

Also, as I am writing this, my stomach muscles are still sore from No Mercy Monday – I’m told that it’s the “upper body” day.

Feeling the soreness is not great but it’s good to know and to show me how much I really needed this. I hope that after 6 weeks (better less), I’ll be feeling much better and less sore.

Pro-TF Fitness is also a community where everyone is there to help everyone else succeed, which is really cool, and also acts a lot like a family. We love giving each other high fives!

If this sounds like something you would be interested in too, let us know, using the comment section below or the contact form, or whichever way you generally get in touch with us. You can also reach out to Pro-TF Fitness directly through their Facebook page and learn more about the 6-week challenge. Make sure you tell them you heard about it from us so we can score some extra brownie points 🙂

Glutamine and BCAAs

Trying out some new supplements for our 6-week nutrition & exercise challenge…

Our Glutamine choices seem pretty straightforward and these here don’t have any fillers or unnecessary coloring etc.

Body Fortress 100% Pure Glutamine Powder, 300g Jar (1ct), Nutrient Replenishment Powder for Post-Workout Recovery Glutamine Supplement

Evlution Nutrition Glutamine 5000 5 Grams of Pure Glutamine in Each Serving Unflavored Powder (60 Servings)


For the BCAAs, it’s a little trickier. The one that comes highly recommended to us is the following one. Apparently, it’s mint flavor and goes well with the chocolate flavor protein powder 🙂

BPI Sports Best BCAA Powder, Branched Chain Amino Acids, Arctic Ice – Build Muscle, Improve Recovery and Enhanced Energy Levels 30 Servings, 10.58 Ounce

Biblical Hebrew

HEB510 Introduction to Biblical Hebrew

Required Texts & Course Materials

  • Pratico, Gary D. & Miles V. Van Pelt. Basics of Biblical Hebrew: Grammar. 2nd Edition. Grand
    Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2007. (ISBN: 0310270200)
  • ________. Basics of Biblical Hebrew: Workbook. 2nd Edition. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2007. (ISBN: 0310270227)
  • Van Pelt, Miles V. & Gary D. Pratico. The Vocabulary Guide to Biblical Hebrew. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2003. (ISBN: 0310250722)

Recommended Texts & Course Materials

  • The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon (ISBN: 978-1565632066)
    ** If you own Logos (and especially if you own the biblical languages package) you might already own this resource.
  • Elliger & Rudolph (eds.). Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, for the United Bible Societies, 1997. (978-1598561630)
  • Van Pelt, Miles V. English Grammar to Ace Biblical Hebrew. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010. (ISBN: 9780310318316)

Plant Therapy Spring Blends Set

Plant Therapy has created a set with the Spring Synergies in the Spring Blends Set. Made with 100% pure, undiluted essential oils, the Spring Blends Set will be a great addition to any oil collection.

Fruits Set! Save 34% When You Buy as a Set at Plant Therapy!

The Spring Blends Set contains 10 ml each of Island Sunset, Morning Sunshine, and Spring Fling and comes in a box that is perfectly packaged and ready to go.

Introducing Spring Blends Set – Bring Spring Into Your Home! Available Now for a Limited Time at Plant Therapy!

Each of these remarkable synergies have incredible aromas that will evoke all things that you love about spring. Easy to use and an easy way to keep your favorite spring aromas with you throughout the year, the Spring Blends Set is a must-have.

Cleaning Set! Save 25% When You Buy The Set at Plant Therapy Today!

  • Brand New Spring Blends Set
  • Puts a Spring In Your Step
  • Evokes All Things You Love About Spring
  • Remarkable Synergies
  • Wonderful Spring Aromas
  • A Perfect Gift For Friends or Families
Plant Therapy Spring Blends Set 10ml morning sunshine
10ml morning sunshine

Morning Sunshine: For a morning wake-up call that is sure to awaken your senses and leave your skin feeling silky soft, dilute Morning Sunshine to 2-3% in your favorite lotion or cream. Add to a diffuser, use in an aromatherapy inhaler, or 1 drop in an aromatherapy locket when your senses need a boost anytime during the day.

Plant Therapy Spring Blends Set 10ml island sunset
10ml island sunset

Island Sunset: Create a calming, relaxing atmosphere that is reminiscent of the tropical islands by adding Island Sunset to your favorite Plant Therapy aromatherapy diffuser, aromatherapy inhaler, or add 1 drop to an aromatherapy locket or another passive diffusion. Not recommended for topical use.

Plant Therapy Spring Blends Set 10ml spring fling
10ml spring fling

Spring Fling: Create an energizing, uplifting atmosphere that will awaken the senses by adding Spring Fling to your favorite Plant Therapy diffuser, aromatherapy inhaler, or add 1 drop to an aromatherapy locket or another passive diffusion. Not recommended for topical use.

The International Federation of Aromatherapists does not recommend that Essential Oils be taken internally unless under the supervision of a Medical Doctor who is also qualified in clinical Aromatherapy. All cautions listed for individual oils do not include those cautions from ingestion.

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Bottles are filled by volume. Some bottle sizes may not be filled to the top, but do contain the volume of oil specified.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day Green Smoothie

You don’t have to get drunk to have fun today! In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, we’ve created a Green Smoothie that will do quite the opposite; it’s not only good for you, it’s green and super tasty too! We’ve named it our Happy St. Patrick’s Day Green Smoothie – don’t worry, you can drink it any other day of the year too 🙂

St Patrick's Blender
St Patrick’s Blender

In a blender, combine:

  • 2 tablespoons Spirulina
  • 2 cups Power Greens
  • 1 cup Organic Daybreak Blend (frozen fruit)
  • 6 cups unsweetened Almond Milk
  • optional; 1-2 tablespoons Raw Honey, to taste
  • optional; 1-2 teaspoons Green Tea Matcha (for an energy boost)

Blend on high for 1 minute and serve right away in wine glasses.
Enjoy! Yields 6-8 servings

Bonus points if you’re wearing a green shirt!